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Quick Installation Guide for OS3.9 on WinUAE (with CD-ROM support).

  1. get the latest WinUAE version from www.winuae.net and install it
  2. if you have more than one CD-ROM drive, please read the section "How to obtain the unit number" below first.
  3. find the directory WinUAE has been installed in (e.g. C:\Program Files\WinUAE) and create a directory where OS3.9 should be installed to (e.g. C:\Program Files\WinUAE\OS39)
  4. run WinUAE, go to Quickstart and choose the "Expanded UAE example configuration" model.
  5. go to RAM and move the Z3 Fast slider to 32 MB or more.
  6. go to Hard Drives
  7. click on Add Directory, choose the destination directory (C:\Program Files\WinUAE\OS39) as path and a volume label as you like (e.g. Workbench).
  8. click on Add Directory again and select your CD-ROM drive as path. Make sure that you remove the trailing backslash from the path, i.e. use "D:" and not "D:\". Use "AmigaOS3.9" as volume label. It is important that you use exactly this volume label !
  9. click on Add Directory a third time and choose the path D:\OS-VERSION3.9\EMERGENCY-DISK, volume label as you like (e.g. Boot) and set the boot priority to 1.
  10. click on Start.
  11. A requester appears telling you that no disk is present in drive DF0. Click on Cancel. This happens two times.
  12. Now open AmigaOS3.9 (the ball symbol), OS-Version3.9 and OS3.9-Installation.
  13. Choose "Create emergency disk" and click on Proceed.
  14. When asked to insert an empty floppy disk, press F12, go to Disk Drives, click on Create Standard Disk and enter a new file name.
  15. Put the new ADF into drive DF0 and click on Ok.
  16. Let the installer proceed until the emergency disk is finished.
  17. Choose "Execute command..." from the Workbench menu and enter "newshell"
  18. now enter
    protect df0:#? +wd all

    This removes the write protect switch from all files that were copied from the CD.

  19. when the command has finished, enter
    ed df0:devs/dosdrivers/emergency_cd
  20. In the editor window find the lines with Device, Unit and MaxTransfer and change them to read
    Device      = uaescsi.device
    Unit        = 0
    MaxTransfer = 0x10000

    If you have more than one CD-ROM drives, you have to change the unit number to the one matching the drive you want to use.

  21. press Esc and enter X to save the changes.
  22. press F12, go to Hard Drives and remove AmigaOS3.9 and Boot. Then click on Reset.
  23. OS3.9 should boot from the emergency disk, ready to be installed.
  24. You may want to change the prefs from Emergency-Boot/Prefs before you proceed.
  25. Finally open AmigaOS3.9 (the ball symbol), OS-Version3.9, OS3.9-Installation and choose "Full installation on empty HD". When asked where to install, choose the "Workbench" directory created in step two.

How to obtain the unit number of the CD-ROM drive.

  1. start WinUAE without a configuration (delete the default.UAE file before).
  2. go to the misc page and enable uaescsi.device and Create log file.
  3. click on Ok.
  4. if your Kickstart file is not named kick.rom WinUAE complains several times about a missing ROM and quits. Otherwise you will see the request to insert a floppy. Close WinUAE.
  5. Open Windows Explorer and open the file winuaelog.txt in the WinUAE directory.
  6. Search for uaescsi.device.
  7. You will find a section that looks like that:
    ASPI: open_driver 101 HostASPIStatus=0x1 HACount=0x1
    ASPI: open_driver HostASPIStatus=0x1 HACount=0x1
    ASPI: S=1 ha=1, ID=7, M='ASPI for WIN32  ESDI_506', Id='ESDI_506'
    ASPI: 0:0:0 'LITEON  ' 'DVD-ROM LTD122  ' 'IL5L'  [CDROM]
    support_scsi = 1 support_ioctl = 2
    ASPI: opening 0:0:0
    ASPI: Error in scgo_send: s.SRB_Status is 0x4
    ASPI: Mapped to: error 1 errno: 5
    unit 0: Drive empty
    LITEON   DVD-ROM LTD122   IL5L = uaescsi.device:0

    The highligted part shows the unit number.

    If you see error messages or if WinUAE crashes with an illegal operation error, check and correct your ASPI setup.

    ASPI is an abstraction layer which allows to send SCSI commands to both, SCSI and ATAPI (IDE) devices. Download ASPI from Adaptec: Direct linkt to the download page (do only install this on Win98 or Win95 !)

    Also read the Readme.txt and UAEHowTo.txt files in WinUAE's Docs directory.

    On WindowsXP or 2000 you might want to disable the Use ASPI SCSI layer option. Then the log looks slightly different and the unit number might be different, too, but you don't need to care about ASPI.

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Send your questions and notes to thomas-rapp@web.de. (c) 2002

Disclaimer: this is an unofficial experience report. There is no guarantee that it works like described. The author cannot be held liable for any damage.

Windows and Windows Explorer are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, Amiga, Kickstart and Workbench are trademarks of AMIGA, Inc., ASPI is a trademark of Adaptec, Inc.


Letzte Änderung / Last Update: 27-Dez-2005