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Thumb V7.253

27-Dec-2006 thumb7253.lha 268 kb


Thumbnail viewer for PicShow.

It will show all pictures in a directory as thumbnails. A double click on a thumbnail will start a utility (e.g. PicShow).


  • V7.253)
    • AmigaOS 4 version fixed to run with the new memory system of Upd. 5


    • crash fixed in rename / move window
    • option to remove border around thumbnails
    • option to ignore icon files (useful if icon.datatype is installed)
    • thumbnail size is now set for the actual picture without the frame
    • minimum thumbnail size reduced to 10x10
    • does not read the same directory again when choosen by requester


    • Starter program corrected to work on AmigaOS 4 Upd. 4
    • Added mouse wheel support for AmigaOS 4 Upd. 4


    • bug fixed: crash when clicked into empty window


    • current work-in-progress version of Thumb. I don't remember what's changed.


    • HAM pictures are shown correctly
    • locale bugs fixed


    • added option to read directories recursively
    • added option to pause thumbnail creation
    • MorphOS version fixed


    • save of index pages finished
    • added options for thumbnail size and task priority
    • AmigaOS 4 + MorphOS versions


    • save thumbnails as jpg pictures (needs jpeg.library)
    • experimental save of index pages (needs jpeg.library)
    • send a list of files to PicShow (or any other application that accepts the LIST switch)
    • small stub program automatically starts the correct processor version
    • update 23-Nov-2003: forgot to include 68k version


    • PowerUp version ! A really stupid little bug prevented me from compiling it for PowerUp. Fixed.


    • mark thumbnails by dragging a rubber band with the mouse. - hold down CTRL to unselect - hold down ALT to toggle selection
    • slowly click a thumbnail twice to rename it.
    • drag directory icon into thumb window to read it
    • shift-click directory icon on startup to read it.
    • directory requesters show files, too.
    • stack is increased automagically.
    • failure to rename a thumbnail gives an error message instead just a beep.
    • some bugs fixed when move / rename fails


    • extended selection dialogue. You can select pictures by name pattern, by type, size, or by proportion (e.g. 4:3).
    • PPC version: increased stack size for subtasks and added check for stack to be at least 100,000 bytes for main program.


    • reduced number of context switches in PPC version. GUI is much faster now.


    • WarpOS version
    • Action menu
    • Rename with pattern function. Use * as pattern. You can use multiple asterisks, but be careful: if the number of asterisks does not match, strange things may happen.

    Warning: use the commands from the action menu with care ! I've not tested them very well.


    Copy the executable to the same directory as PicShow. Please note that "Thumb" is only a stub program. You also need the actual processor version "Thumb.???", where ??? is 000, elf, wos, mos or os4.

    Thumb can be called from Workbench or Shell. You can set these parameters in the Shell or in the icon's tooltypes:

    PATHpath to the directory that should be displayed. Default is the current directory.
    UTILITYcommand line to execute on a double click. Use %s as a placeholder for the picture name. Usualy the name should be enclosed in quotation marks. Default is PicShow.
    PUBSCREENname of the pubscreen. Default is Workbench.
    ALLInclude subdirectories recursively
    QUITMake Thumb quit when a picture is doubleclicked.
    REQUESTOpen a path requester.
    LISTPARMName of the switch which makes the viewer utility treat the file name as a picture list instead of a single picture. This string is appended to the end of the UTILITY command line. Default is LIST.
    THUMBWWidth of the thumbnails. Default is 100.
    THUMBHHeight of the thumbnails including the description text. Default is 100.
    DIRPRIPriority of the directory reading task. Default is -5.
    THUMBPRIPriority of the thumbnail creation task. Default is -5.

    To start Thumb from PicShow add a line like this to PicShow.keys:

    F3 = SHELL run thumb "%p"


    • you have to use run, otherwise PicShow will freeze until Thumb is finished.
    • if Thumb or PicShow is not in the DOS path, you have to specify the absolute directory. Example:

      F3 = SHELL run sys:utilities/Thumb "%p" sys:utilities/PicShow


    • I found a lot of bugs in PicShow when switching from PicShow to Thumb and vice versa. Please only use the latest update above with Thumb.
    • to get the maximum performance you should quit neither PicShow nor Thumb. Press F3 to switch from PicShow to Thumb and double click a picture to switch back.
  • Requested features:
    • use pattern matching
    • configurable menu to send pictures to different applications (e.g. through ARexx)
    • printing of photo album
    • toolbar
    • index files to speed up directory reading
    • send thumbnail manipulations to viewer (e.g. rotation)
    • directly call the picture viewer when Thumb finds only one picture
    Reported bugs:
    • stub program crashes OS4 upd. 4
    Last update: 05-Oct-2006

    Letzte Änderung / Last Update: 27-Dec-2006